Where To Get Motivation For Dissertation Writing: 5 Great Hints

Writing a dissertation is a serious step in one’s life. However, it is quite a long and troublesome affair. Surely that at the beginning of writing the paper, the student is excited and full of energy looking forward to a future grade, but usually somewhere after the first chapter inspiration fades away and it’s hard to go on. It’s very important not to give up. Read the following five hints on how to stay motivated while writing your work:

  1. Write down all the completed tasks.
  2. It will help you see the progress. You will stay tuned seeing that step by step movement to your goal. You can create a schedule in the form of a chart putting checkmarks for each portion of the material that was written. Even if you didn’t write some pages in time, don’t torture yourself. Just go on writing and try not to skip your daily portion of pages again.

  3. Let your family and friends support you.
  4. Talk with people whose opinions are important to you and share your progress with them. If you have some problems, tell them. They will surely help you with some pieces of advice. Usually, it’s hard to cope with problems all alone. It may seem that it’s very difficult to do something, but it can be just your fears. Close people will help you overcome your fears and prove that there is nothing to worry about.

  5. Find a place that will inspire you.
  6. It should not only be a silent but also a comfortable place. Many students get tired very quickly while working in the libraries while others become easily distracted when they stay at home. Find the place where you will feel comfortable enough to keep writing for quite a long period of time. Try different places: starting with the most common ones like the library or your home and finishing with less popular (café or park).

    Encourage yourself.

    After each completed portion of the dissertation, give yourself a small reward. Go to the cinema with your friends, visit the relatives, watch some film, do some sports etc. Don’t let your body be in stress. The organism can’t be constantly working as it becomes tired and distressed. Let it feel relaxed.

  7. Dream about your life after the defense.
  8. Try to visualize how you obtain a grade and then can breathe with a relief. Hundreds of pages are behind and there is nothing to worry about. You’ll get a job of your dreams, move to a better house, and get more money. The creation of the dissertation is worth of the time spent on it.
